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Adam and Eve Return /Episode #34

Starring QueenZa'Riah Mechele Pricely

 The backdrop of space was littered by the freckles of a trillion stars off in the distance...seemingly trapped against a black velvet wall, like fly's to sticker paper...out of nowhere...came a vessel with the chard markings of's metallic skin marked and marred but it's flight was steady and purposeful...inside it's dwelling at the cockpit was Captain QueenZa'Riah lead researcher for the United States Space Program...her ship had been decimated by another attacking ship...her crew had been lost in space...or killed in the midst of chaos...she was making her way back to earth after traveling millions if not billions of miles outside our solar system...where she and her crew had encountered "Planet Stalker" a race of humanoid men with testosterone build up of unimaginable proportions...they were ultra aggressive...these men had ravaged her crew members...killing the men and taking the they attempted to pirate her ship...but a ill fate of gas leakage and engine fire combined to do the unthinkable...explosions triggered off through out the ship...large parts broke apart and drifted into space exploding like the Fourth of July...the humanoid stalkers had no remorse and worse...they had no fear...they were terrorists and predators...

Inside the fleeing ship...2 months after the encounter...

Ship A.I...(Artificial Intelligence) robotic brain program named Shawny Thomas: "Wake up QueenZa'Riah...we have (click click) a busy day ahead of us...ship maintenance, log updates, briefing, brushing your teeth (click click) are you listening to me?

QueenZa'Riah: "Yes, yes I hear you computer...I've only been asleep for 3 haven't fallen apart yet have you? Damn...where is the log tablet? I gotta fix your kitchen program you can at least have breakfast for me when you come calling."

Ship A.I.: "I'm sorry QueenZa'Riah but that task is (click click) number 35 on our depth chart and it is not a priority, especially when we are working against the clock...we will be entering earth's atmosphere in 144 hours..."

QueenZa'Riah: "Six days?"

Ship A.I.: "...6 days...5 minutes and (click click) 30 seconds."

QueenZa'Riah: "Hmph...let's get to it then."

The ghosts of her 6 man crew...three women and three men haunt her workday well into the night...including herself, they were 7 space researchers sent out to the furthest parts of space on a mission to find life on a particular star...they found what they were seeking and it turned out to be catastrophic...resulting in the destruction of the Stalker Planet, it's inhabittans...and the killing of her crew...she had spent a considerable time getting the remaining vessel space worthy...with help from the online A.I. the ships brain...Shawny Thomas. QueenZa had managed but the problem still remained of getting the shields up to 75% before entering earth's atmosphere do to the battered frame of her would disintegrate instantly if not repaired...the ship had to be protected by the energy shields.


 Deep down in the ship's cargo area a figure stirred and rose from the shadows...his glaring cold eyes scanned the surroundings...he was a stalker humanoid who had stowed away on the battered craft...he was the lone survivor of the stalker species...he made his way toward the automatic door...


 Meanwhile QueenZa was spent and now retired to her bedroom quarters after a whole day of repairs to the shields and engines...she looked out of the rooms large window which showed a nearby planet...she tried to find solace...peace in the beauty of the blue hued planet...but all she saw was the feint ghostly visage of the stalker...he who had ruled a planet full of stalker men...she remembered the great weapons that were accidentally set off on the surface world of that barbaric it built an energy mass of unstable combustion and eventually blew the whole planet to space dust. Two ships had managed to go space ward as the planet died below them, hers ship and the STALKER'S ship...with four of his kind aboard. They had overtaken QueenZa's ship but just as they prepared to board...their very own craft began to over heat and the ensuing explosion also destroyed not only the stalker's had gutted the body of QueenZa's ship killing her crew members that were in the various corridors and rooms...only the ship's head and some parts well as the underbelly engines and bathroom area. The ship's sensors were completely shut down...that is why the stowaway had went undetected...until now...

Ship I.A. Shawny Thomas: sensors have comeback online...I am detecting a humanoid presence...(click click)

QueenZa: What did you say? Where is it...we are in the middle of space...there's nothing out there.

Ship I.A. Shawny Thomas: "It" on board this ship is a male...heart rate (click click) abnormal..."

QueenZa sits upright on her bed alarmed at the at what her ship is telling her...she quickly assesses the answer...

QueenZa: "Damn it!! We have a's a stalker!!!"

Then abruptly through the doors comes the stalker...before she can even step foot on the cold floor he has seized her...his grip holding her wrists...and then he speaks...

Stalker: "Your ship's defense weapons will start to shut down in a matter of minutes...she can't help one can help you woman..."

For the next 5 days QueenZa would be entrapped in her room with this barbaric his he savaged her in her own bed over the backdrop of stars that littered the night sky...his continuous lust filling her every hour, every minute...every second...he kept her underneath him...his muscles flexing against the star light...his intrusion into her warm, hot pocket was staggering as her knees continued to shake...he plowed his way in...straight down the path of her walls...she could feel his fluid release...she had lost count of his see he was the last of his kind...and he intended to procreate...and QueenZa was to be the mother of his species...she was his...Eve...and he was her...Adam...for 5 days straight he took her and now this day...they were entering earth's atmosphere...

Ship I.A.: "Queen...Queen (click click) can you hear me? We are now approaching earth. We have not made the necessary repairers to the ships shields this mission will (click click) fail..."

The Stalker has her up against the glass facing...she sees the view of the approaching earth as he holds her waist from behind driving into her backside...her moans fill the cabin drowning out the ships messages as he pulls her hair form the back......she can see the flaring red hot fire catching the tip of the ships nose...the stalker slaps her rear as he continues to dig deeper with his shaft head moving inside her...outside the wave of heat enveloping her vessel...mettle melting away like candle wax...then out of the bottom layer of clouds the hulking metallic husk barges through and QueenZa can see the mass destruction of earth and it population...humanity had been wiped clean...the stalker still would not quit as he continued to penetrate her...her legs over his shoulders...he's releasing again...

Ship I.A.: "I have done a complete sweep of the planetary (click click) surface and there is not a human alive QueenZa...however there are still structural buildings that are intact and (click click) animals are present...but as it are the sole surviving human..."

 QueenZa can hear the news from the ship...and it breaks her heart...her world is gone...everyone she knew is...gone...the last man on earth is this alien stalker...she begins to hold him around his neck...her tears stream down her cheek as she looks upward into his eyes...he slows his stroke so she can feel his length...this is her... "Adam"...and she is his..."Eve"...he is releasing again as his shaft begins to jump inside her...but this time QueenZa is no longer confused as she helps him release by coaxing it out of him...she can hear him moan as she clamps down...the rush flows through his shaft...his mouth opens as if gasping for air...she put her tongue down his throat as he grips her rear end...his is inside her...all the way to the hilt...

...a NEW beginning.

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