Ugly Nigga gives advice to Adrien Broner "I can FIX the PROBLEM"
Written by Ugly Nigga
After watching the YouTube replay of Adrien Broner vs Marcos Maidana I have a different opinion than most. I actually think Adrien Broner has the ability to win a rematch with Marcos. Several reasons are that Adrien has great athleticism, he had to have, because he took some thudding shots from a bigger fighter and for the most part pushed forward once he got use to the power difference. Also Broner's speed started to show up as he became more confident in the middle to late rounds. What was most impressive about AB was the fact that he remained sharp with his punches after the beating he was absorbing. You see most fighters fall apart from fatigue and punishment and their technique becomes compromised, this wasn't the case with Broner. This showed that he had to have been training extremely hard for this fight, the better your conditioning is the better you are in taking a punch. This is a guy who moved up from 135 lbs to 147 lb and fight a murderer in Maidana. I screen shot 13 clips of the fight to break down some of the flaws with Broner's performance, some adjustments that should be made and the technique he should develope that when a rematch happens between Maidana and Broner, the problems he faced then, he will have the answers to.
The yellow diagram shows Adrien Broner's stance as to how his legs are positioned when he goes into a defensive posture, they are spread to far apart and he leans his upper body to far back when he attempts to avoid punches. Notice Maidana steps over the center spacing onto Broner's side. Adrien is forced to retreat and regain his positioning but as he does that he usually moves back with his guard down. If Adrien positioned his upper body like what the red diagram shows, it means Broner doesn't give away his balance and should he feel a need to vacate from the pressure he should circle out. The red line that leans forward is Adrien using a side to side slipping motion where the head moves at an angle downward...once a punch or jab sails over the head you are in position to counter. It helps you to never lose site of your opponent. Adrien Broner's wide defensive stance should be replaced by him moving his feet back to avoid his space being crowded.
Take note that the fighter who is usually following the red line diagram is most likely in position to punch or avoid being hit and can counter quicker as opposed to leaning to far back. Here Broner commits two mistakes and that is he backs up straight with his head up and his guard down as shown with the yellow diagram. Had Broner followed the red diagram and backed up in a slight tuck with his gloves protecting him he would have avoided the hit and the ensuing knock down. Danny Garcia when fighting Lucas Matthysse kept the guard up and as soon as he felt a shot from Lucas touching his glove Danny fired back with the counter. Danny remained in the red position
By learning to move counter clockwise while circling and opponent who uses an orthodox stance you can exploit your greater mobility which Broner clearly has over Maidana. Broner however chose to move in a clockwise motion which allowed Maidana to throw left hooks with maximum effect moving Arien Broner over to Marcos' power right hand; clockwise. I suggest Broner moving in counterclockwise circle with a high right guard at all times occasionally moving back clockwise only to re-position himself better to continue the counter movement. Most orthodox boxers find it difficult to move in a counter motion so you will notice they mostly circle each other going in one direction. A counter motion puts an onus on proper footwork and the boxer who trains to master this motion will be in better position to land strong left hooks against an out maneuvered opponent. The clips below shows the problem Adrien encountered and how this technique could have nullified some of the punishment he took throughout the fight.
The Maidana left hook corrales Broner as Broner moves clockwise. Which leads Adrien into further trouble with his opponents right. Broner is allowing for the hook to have reach it's full impact as he moves away and with a low guard. This also allows Marcos' to throw wild looping lead rights as Broner moves in the direction of the red diagram arrows.
In the pic below Adrien Broner has the proper stance and right high guard, just as important is that he is positioned counter clockwise to Maidana's twelve o'clock like with the green arrows in the above pic. At this point Adrien must use his jab consistently targeting Maidonna's face or right shoulder. This will disrupt the looping punches and their impact as Broner shades away from the power right. With Adrien moving towards the green counter clockwise arrow he can blunt Maidanas' left hook. Feel the punch touch his glove and counter back with a straight right. The white arrow is Broner working his jab down the pipeline looking to get Maidana in bad position so Broner can land a power hook.
As you can see the result of moving to far over into the red or remainding there for too long can result in catching the power right. Also note that Maidana is in excellent position to land a follow up left hook.

Defensive Stance
Keeping a High Guard
Learning to Move Counter Clockwise

The above pic is the second knockdown suffered by Broner from a short left hook with Arien seen once again on the wrong side of the clock.

Notice in our last pic to understanding the counter clockwise/ clockwise position Maidana's body is more in the green diagram whereas Broner's body favors the red illustration. In this sequence Broner takes a shot that sent him to the canvas.
Mid Range/ In Close Quarters
IBroner's best chance in a rematch is to remain close or mid range to Maidana to avoid being hit with long range bombs. Maidana will use a high over hand loop that Broner began get a feel for but on the outside Broner was caught repeatedly. A closer range will negate Maidana's curving outside left hook. Broner should move back only to get off his faster hands when disengaging from a clinch. Adrien managed to move Marcos backward and effectively took away his opponents lethal aggression as Maidana could not fight as well going backwards.

In the above pic Broner needs a better feel of how to use Marcos' weight against him by sliding and shifting to fire off hooks. Broner drops back straight to often in retreat but when he sat down in close range he got back into the fight during the 4th - 7th round and was winning the 8th before he got caught with the left hook he didn't see. That would have never happened had Broner been slightly shifting to the left and right of Marcos never letting him draw a bead on Broner's position.
Heart/ Stamina/ Chin
Adrien Broner showed a tremendous heart to win and came into the fight with Marcos Maidana in excellent shape which was evident by the fact of him recovering nicely from the 2 knock downs he suffered in rounds 2 and 8. The knock down in round 8 was the most impressive of the two as Adrien was winning the 8th round only to get floored with around 1:30 seconds left. At which point Madana turned it on trying to finish Broner but as you can see from the pic below Adrien finished the stanza as the aggressor. To many it may have been a 10-8 round then with the deduction of 1 point from the Maidana head but you have it at 9-8. However Broner started out on top for first 2 min and 30 sec and finished the last portion of the wanning 15 seconds backing up Maidana. That would make that an 8-8 round.

In the end I believe Adrien Broner can win a rematch with Marcos Maidana with a couple of tweaks in his game and an adjustment to the weight of fighting at 147 lbs with a strength and conditioning coach. Focus on out boxing Maidana and if a knock out presents itself, take it. Broner should be confident in taking a risk because Adrien's chin is solid as this fight proved.